Black Man Version*
* If you are offended, please remove yourself from my blog. Thanks and much love! ♥
6 Denzel Washington

You are looking at one of the sexiest men on the planet. Seriously, y'all! This brotha is 53 -- 53 -- and he still looked sexy as hell in American Gangster, while at the same time oozing rawness out of every bad-ass pore. Trust me, that description was 100% accurate.* If you are offended, please remove yourself from my blog. Thanks and much love! ♥
6 Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington can make any movie good -- no, Oscar-worthy. This man is one of the best actors in the United States right now. (Tom Hanks is somewhere up there, too, but that's another list.) He's been in 47 movies since he started acting and most of them are actually, like, really good. That ups the Fine Factor by an entire three points.
What's that, sister? You still need some convincing?
Oh, all right.
Hello, beautiful.
I have to admit, a large part of our little James's hotness comes from the fact that he is so damn sexy when he sings! His voice makes me melt into little puddles. (Don't imagine that.)
Tiff: Hmm, who should be Number Four on our List of Super-Fine Men?
Lis: How about Tyrese?
Tiff: Tyrese who?
Tiff: [Looks at picture she found on Google Image Search.] Oh. Without a single doubt, my good friend.
Although the actual conversation went a little differently, I'm sure you get the gist. Tyrese exudes sexy from every inch of skin.
He used to be a model, too. How could he not be on the List?
Will is another one of those men (like Number Six, Denzel) who has aged soo well. What is he, like almost 40?
He is still damn sexy. Just watch that pullup scene in I Am Legend. Or watch those apartment scenes in I, Robot a few times (or several). Rawr. Did you know Will Smith is something like the one male actor who consistently pulls in the highest-grossing opening weekends? More than Brad Pitt, more than Tom Cruise. Major props and plus one Fine Factor point.
And how can we forget Will in his good ole Fresh Prince days?
Aww, our little Chris grew up. And so damn quickly too! Lis sent Tiff Chris's scene in This Christmas (which Tiff missed, and still needs to see), and we both agree that he, like Number Five J. Holiday, derives a lot of his hotness from his singing.
And if you would also like to have an epiphany like Tiff did when she realized Chris Brown was no longer "just sixteen" ...
Don't even try to argue with us. We don't see why you would, anyway -- look at those eyes. This man is frikking PERFECT. He is like a god on earth.
Need more proof? If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth something like a gazillion (or it would be if that darn Amerie would get out of the way):
See? We knew you'd agree with us. Chingy is all-around gorgeous and yes, super-fine. Plus his smile is just as hot as the rest of him. Thereforeeee we conclude that he deserves to win first place on Tiff and Lisa's List of Super-Fine Men 2008.
P.S. More Chingy appreciation follows. This video is chock-full of beautiful people -- don't miss it.
this is my favorite post eveeerrr. so true. i concur with the list and more importantly, these men are "fineee". haha i know tiff...i was supposed to think of more to say, but honestly, what else is there to say?
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